Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
International Conference on Social Sciences & Interdisciplinary Studies, will be organized around the theme “Integrating Social Sciences & Medicine for better understanding Communities & Health”
Social Sciences 2017 is comprised of 22 tracks and 5 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Social Sciences 2017.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Social Science and Medicine mainly includes the social aspects of health and disease, the social behaviour of patients and health care providers, the social functions of health organizations and institutions, the social patterns and the utilization of health services, the relationship of health care delivery systems to other social institutions, and social policies toward health. What makes medical sociology important is the critical role social factors play in determining or influencing the health of individuals, groups and the larger society.
- Track 2-1Causes of Illness
- Track 2-2Social Medicine
- Track 2-3Mental Health
Sociobiology is a branch of biology that deals with social behavior, and also draws from ethology, anthropology, evolution, zoology, archaeology, population genetics, and other disciplines. Social Biology a field of scientific research that is based on the hypothesis that social behavior has resulted from evolution and attempts to examine and explain social behavior within that context. The study is closely allied to Darwinian anthropology, human behavioral ecology and evolutionary psychology, within the human societies.
Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies draws on traditional sociological issues and contributes to them through reformulations of such basic concepts as social systems and institutions, professionalism, social movements and social change, and social interaction and negotiation. The field is concerned with basic social science research and its implications for public policy and practice. Social Sciences and Epidemiology are interlinked with each other. Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events, and the application of this study to the control of diseases and other health problems. It is the cornerstone of public health, and shapes policy decisions and evidence-based practice by identifying risk factors for disease and targets for preventive healthcare. Social epidemiology is the social distribution and social determinants of health, societal conditions affect health.
- Track 4-1Public Health
Dentistry is a branch of medicine that involves the study of diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases, disorders and conditions of the oral cavity. It is primarily associated with teeth but the field of dentistry or dental medicine is not limited to teeth but includes other aspects of the craniofacial complex including the temporomandibular and other supporting structures. Social Dentistry is focused on Oral Health-related Well-being and Behavior, of both patients and general dental practitioners.
Nursing is a profession within the health care sector focused on the care of individuals, families, and communities so they may attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and quality of life. Social sciences in nursing improve the patient care. Nurses may be differentiated from other health care providers by their approach to patient care, training, and scope of practice. Many nurses provide care within the ordering scope of physicians, and this traditional role has come to shape the historic public image of nurses as care providers. Social scientists looking at the nursing profession and the growth happening in the nursing profession. Assisting in activities of daily living are skills required in nursing as well as other professions such as nursing assistants. This includes assisting in patient mobility, such as moving an activity intolerant patient within bed. Social sciences have interdisciplinary collaboration with nursing to inform innovative curriculum design in nursing and bring benefits to social science research and education.
Education is one of the most important social sciences involves the study of people and how they interact with each other, with their social and political institutions and with their environments. The social science education includes a broad range of study including the causes of juvenile delinquency and crime, and professional development opportunities for those working in schools, colleges, universities and related organizations.
Behavioral sciences encompass the various disciplines and interactions among organisms in the natural world. It involves the systematic analysis and investigation of human and animal behavior through the study of the past, controlled and naturalistic observation of the present, and disciplined scientific experimentation. It attempts to accomplish legitimate, objective conclusions through observation. Behavioral sciences include psychology, psychobiology, and cognitive science.
Psychology is the study of behavior and mind, embracing all aspects of conscious and unconscious experience as well as thought. It is an academic discipline and a social science which seeks to understand individuals and groups by establishing general principles and researching specific cases. Social psychology is the scientific study of how people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others. Social psychologists therefore deal with the factors that lead us to behave in a given way in the presence of others, and look at the conditions under which certain behavior and feelings occur. It is concerned with the way these feelings, thoughts, beliefs, intentions and goals are constructed and how such psychological factors, in turn, influence our interactions with others. Social psychologists have studied attitude formation, the structure of attitudes, attitude change, the function of attitudes, and the relationship between attitudes and behavior. Because people are influenced by the situation, general attitudes are not always good predictors of specific behavior.
Social Science is a branch of science that deals with human behavior in its social and cultural aspects. Cultural studies is a field of theoretically, politically, and empirically engaged cultural analysis that concentrates upon the political dynamics of contemporary culture, its historical foundations, defining traits, and conflicts. Cultural studies research goes on the cultural analysis and the relation through social phenomena, such as ideology, class structures, national formations, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, and generation.
Natural science is a branch of science concerned with the prediction, description and understanding of natural phenomena, based on observational and empirical evidence. Natural sciences employ scientific methods to go deep into details concerning natural behavior and natural condition. Social sciences, like psychology, anthropology, and economics are studies of people regarding their development and behavior on the other hand Natural sciences like physics, chemistry, biology, and earth sciences involve the physical world.
Social Sciences and Anthropology deals with the various aspects of humans within past and present societies and it provides an analytical framework for understanding the social contexts of health. Social Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, Medical Anthropology are various branches of Anthropology. Medical Anthropology is the study of how health and illness are shaped, experienced, and understood in light of global, historical, and political forces. Medical Anthropology is one of the most exciting subfields of anthropology and has increasingly clear relevance for students and professionals interested in the complexity of disease states, diagnostic categories, and what comes to count as pathology or health.
- Track 12-1Medical Anthropology
Humanities are those disciplines that investigate the human condition, using primarily analytical, critical, or speculative methods. Humanities include ancient and modern languages, literature, history, philosophy, religion and visual and performing arts such as music and theatre. Humanities and Social Sciences includes a wide range of disciplines with differing methodologies, from highly quantitative analysis of big data to ethnography and the analysis of the material culture and thought of past societies. Closely related to the humanities, the social sciences are fields of study that may involve more empirical methods to consider society and human behavior, including anthropology, archaeology, criminology, economics, education, linguistics, political science and international relations, sociology, geography, law, and psychology.
Sociology is a branch of social sciences and it is the study of social behavior or society, including its origins, development, organization, networks, and institutions. Sociologists aim to conduct research that may be applied directly to social policy and welfare, while others focus primarily on refining the theoretical understanding of social processes. Sociology includes social stratification, social class, social mobility, religion, secularization, law, sexuality and deviance. As all spheres of human activity are affected by the interplay between social structure and individual agency, sociology has gradually expanded its focus to further subjects, such as health, medical, military and penal institutions, the Internet, education, social capital and the role of social activity in the development of scientific knowledge.
Social Sciences and law includes everything from anthropology and archeology to education and law. While its study often includes elements of archeology, anthropology and covers the study of cultures, social relations, and human behaviors. The interface between law and social inquiry has been a domain of analysis explored by social scientists and legal scholars.
Law is the study of rules that are enforced through social institutions to govern behavior. Laws can be made by a collective legislature or by a single legislator. A general distinction can be made between civil law system, in which the legislature consolidates their laws, and common law systems, where judge-made precedent is accepted as binding law.
Criminology is the study of crime. It comprises of contributions from multiple disciplines, including psychology, biology, anthropology, law, and especially, sociology. Criminologists research on virtually every imaginable aspect of illegality and society’s reactions to it, ranging from the development of theories of crime causation, the roles and uses of social control, crime prevention, and victimization. The base of criminology in particular to sociology is more generally a conflict theory or structural conflict perspective in sociology and sociology of crime.
Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems concerning matters such as existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. The philosophy of social science is the study of the logic and method of the social sciences, such as sociology, anthropology, and political science. Philosophers of social science are concerned with the differences and similarities between the social and the natural sciences, causal relationships between social phenomena, the possible existence of social laws, and the ontological significance of structure and agency. It mainly focuses on the central issues of the social sciences, including general methodology, the application of philosophy, the nature of rationality, and the history of theories and concepts. Philosophy of social science explains the ethnomethodology, evolution, Marxism, phenomenology, postmodernism, rationality, relativism, scientific methods, and textual interpretations.
Epistemology is a branch of philosophy of social science, an area of study with a substantial amount of literature available. Epistemology is concerned with the study of knowledge, with knowledge traditionally defined as justified true belief. Social epistemology refers to a set of approaches to the study of knowledge that interprets human knowledge as a collective achievement. Another way of characterizing social epistemology is as the study of the social dimensions of knowledge. Social epistemologists may be found working in many of the disciplines of the humanities and social sciences, most commonly in philosophy and sociology. In addition to mark a distinct movement in traditional, analytical epistemology, social epistemology is associated with the interdisciplinary field of Science and Technology Studies.
Economics as social science deals with an aspect of human behavior, viz., how men deal with problems of scarcity. Economics deals with the activities of individuals, living in an organized community or society with touching interests and problems. Economics is, considered to be a branch of sociology which is a study of the history and nature of society. Economics is closely related to the other social sciences like Ethics, Political Science, and History etc.
Social statistics is the use of statistical measurement system to study human behavior in a social environment. This can be done through surveying a group of individuals, assessing an arrangement of information got about a group of individuals, or by observation and statistical analysis of a set of data that relates to people and their behavior.
Social researchers use social statistics for many purposes, including the assessment of the quality of services available to a group or organization, analyzing behavior of groups of people in their environment, determining the needs of people through statistical sampling.
In science studies, technology and society is the study of how social, political, and cultural values affect technological innovation and scientific research and how these in turn affect politics, society and culture. The importance of science and technology in the world today, there is a need for scholarly work on its social dimensions. Science & Technology Studies are dedicated to research and teach about scientific knowledge and technology in its social context.
Social Science and Interdisciplinary Studies 2017 provides great avenues for Investors seeking for investment opportunities and expanding their business horizons. Our conference is attended by participants from more than 40 countries and attracts an interesting combination of academic researchers, practitioners and individuals who are engaged in various aspects of innovations in Social Science research and Medical research thereby providing plenty of networking opportunities and newfound knowledge.
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